How to Avoid Email Spam-Filters?

All things Spam-Filter

Email spam

Today we are going to be viewing links about Spam-Filters, it’s important to know these mechanics or at least be familiar with them, so you don’t use the wrong words in subject lines and even in the content-article of your Newsletters or E-mail Campaigns. Now it may seem like a dry topic, but I’ve found it more interesting the deeper I have gone.

I hope the topic is enlightening for you, it’s arguably an overlooked factor. More and more spam is a part of our lives, and spam-filters while sophisticated may be preventing some of our Newsletters from getting through to our clients. This is quite problematic considering the relative ease of E-mail Communication.

Here are some tips to avoid, so your spam-scores of your E-mail won’t exceed thresholds of your spam-filtering agents:

  • Using phrases like “Click here!” or “Once in a lifetime opportunity!”
  • Excessive use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!
  • Using bright red or green colored fonts.
  • Don’t use video, Flash, or javascript within your email.
  • Using bad content. This one’s broad, but important. Email delivery expert Laura Atkins details content-based filtering in this article.

Email spam 2

  • Coding sloppy HTML, usually from converting a Microsoft Word file to HTML.
  • Creating an HTML email that’s nothing but one big image, with little or no text. Spam filters can’t read images, so they assume you’re a spammer trying to trick them.
  • Using the word “test” in the subject line. Agencies can run into this issue when sending drafts to clients for approval.
  • Sending a test to multiple recipients within the same company. That company’s email firewall often assumes it’s a spam attack.
  • Sending to inactive lists. These are lists which have not engaged in the campaigns through opens and clicks. Because subscriber engagement
  • is a huge part of getting emails into the inbox, when an ISP sees low engagement rates they will often begin to bulk the campaigns to the
  • spam folder. Then they will block the domain and IP addresses used to deliver the campaigns.
  • Sending to stale lists. Permission generally goes stale within about 6 months, so if your subscribers haven’t heard from you within that timeframe, you’ll need to reconfirm your list.
  • Don’t embed forms in your emails; send recipients to a landing page on your site instead.