Why Visual Content Works #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #infographics

 The Internet is Transforming 

“Visual content = ROI of digitial marketing.”

Have you noticed a lot more video on Facebook? Have you seen how on LinkedIn more video content is being integrated via Slideshare? Unsure how you could do this? Take a look here. As a millennial, even on the web I’m multi-tasking, so a video or infographic may get more of my time than text either in a blog, Email or on a website. As social media was the craze a few years ago, visual content is today. This is because of how the web is evolving and how consumers are driving it.

As wearble devices become more common place, smart watches are just the beginning. The internet is transforming more and more to visual content, that holds the interest of the audience. This is due to information overload and the changing and multiplicity of devices we are viewing content. Brands are recreating themselves in Video and with infographics and Email Newsletters and Campaigns are following suit.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing why this is and we’ll follow this up with how to do it. Your Email Marketing software should have a template builder that are flexible so you can quickly create visually appealing Newsletters. There is nothing with premade templates, however to white label and brand your products properly via Email you will want the ability to customize and craft your own.

So why this emphasis on visual content? Because we are finding they have higher click-through rates, it’s survival of the fittest in digital marketing and the evolution of content.

1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.

  • (Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco)
  • Reaches readers and audiences just skimming casually
  • Our cortex is still primed to notice colors, symbols and images as some more ‘salient’.
  • Visuals in the form of videos increase the website conversions by 86% (Source: Eyeview).
  • Anything that improves conversion = high ROI.

2. Videos on landing pages increase average page conversion rates by 86%.

  • Images and inforgraphics are the body-language of the next generation of content, why? Because it’s social.
  • Since 2014, visual content has shown a steep increase and video channels are becoming important.
  • Responsive design and creative visual content are the backbone of the digital marketing campaign circa.2015

Do langing pages really show that kind of a boost with a video? Try for yourself: How to A/B Test your Landing Page to Maximize Conversions

3. Visual content is social-media-ready and social-media-friendly. It’s easily sharable and easily palatable.

  • Social engagement back in 2014 (thanks to the Hummingbird update to Google’s algorithm) became more important for your business’ SEO.
  • Social media will continue to evolve with new trends. Progressive brands are always on the frontier like Snapchat, Pininterest and new emerging markets.
  • Images on social media get more engagement than links or text. Images on your website have a higher chance of being shared than anything else. In 2015, visual content is just smart business.

4. Businesses who market with infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don’t.

  • Show me that tweet with an infographic, I never get sick of those things (and it seems I’m not alone).
  • Infographics are a visually appealing way to communicate information quickly and easily to your audience. Businesses with a graphic designer working in their marketing department can create a short infographic quickly and easily.
  • Infographics are not only awesome for brand awareness and social-media sharing, they’re also referenced more frequently than any other pieces of content - increasing their reach exponentially.

5. Posts with visuals receive 94% more page visits and engagement than those without.

  • People are naturally more attracted to images than they are links or text. Facebook posts with an image receive, on average, more than twice as many comments as those without.
  • Photo albums on Facebook receive 180% more engagement than a normal post.

6. 60% of consumers are more likely to click on a business whose images appear in search results.

Basically this means you need to find a way to show your products with an image. For SaaS or B2B companies, this may be an icon or your logo. Try alt tagging these images with your product name, so when somebody types ‘A/B Testing tool’ your image pops up above your competitors.

7. 67% of consumers consider clear, detailed images to carry more weight than product information or customer ratings

  • The persusasion bias we hold to images is so pervasive it’s almost unfair and universally accepted. Study after study demonstrate this.
  • Since visual reinforcement of an add or message is evolutionary based, it works nearly like a subliminal prime.

8. Visuals show your products without telling people about them. This allows viewers to make their own decisions without feeling pressure from your business.

  • One of the chief complaints by online users is the constant sales-badgering they receive from brands.
  • Don’t spam your audience, intrigue them.
  • Don’t be like other Advertisements, kill them with subtly.

So what are you waiting for? Talk to your Marketing department about graphic design, infographics, new media, video, video reviews and visually content on your company blog. For inbound marketing via social media, quality visual content is a must.

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Share this post if you found it helpful, thanks.

Feel free to contact me anytime by Email at: [email protected]

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