Email is a very mature digital marketing channel and it’s constantly evolving. It’s still the most effective way to instantly reach clients and prospective customers. The industry is however still in a process of figuring out how to fully maximize the use of Big Data, with automated triggered campaigns and predictive analytics gradually becoming more common.
According to recent data on eMarketer:
- 72.4% of the US population uses email
- 57% of digital marketers agree that email marketing is very effective in acquiring new customers
- 44% of B2B marketing executives say that less than one quarter of their emails are triggered
- Email leads other marketing channels with a media ROI of 21-23%
According to a census done by Econsultancy/Adestra:
- 25% of companies rate email marketing as ‘excellent’ for ROI.
- 20% of sales can be attributed to their email channel
What are digitial marketers doing in 2015 with their Email Marketing? Automated campaigns that integrate predictive anlytics, triggered messages are the cutting edge.
Beacuse Email’s return on investement is still relativel high, it takes a good share of most marketing budgets.
This is also because consumers find Email a familiar and easy to manage channel.
Email is also easy to analyze and see the metric fields as feedback of Campaigns.
The move is for Email to be the channel of ultra personalized instant opportunity offers:
CTA’s will no longer feel invasive, since they will be so personalized they won’t be perceived as spam.
Big Data, Email automation and E-commerce are transforming the business landscape. With IoT on the horizon coinciding with smarter machine-learning algorithms, digital marketing and advertiszing will witness a golden age of unprecdented change during the period of 2017-2025.