Tech News


Technology News

                                                               December 8th,  2014.

Technology News


To stay on top of Technology News these days requires some effort, here’s to hoping these links can help you with this:

  1. Tech News World (great sub-categories)

  2. Tech Crunch - News by Channels and Trending

  3. PC Mag - Good features and reviews

  4. Extreme Tech (good categories) 

  5. Bloomberg - Technology in the News

  6. IT News (Interesting White-paper section)

  7. Global & Mail - Technology in the News

  8. Computer World

  9. Reuters - Technology in the News

  10. Zdnet (interesting Future of IT section)

  11. Wired - Curiousity Articles

  12. Tech Vibes - (Who’s hiring on right)


Mobile Applications

  1. PC Mag - Top Apps (June 2014)  


IT Blogs: 

  1. Absolute (security related)

  2. Andrew Mcafee - Business Impact of IT

  3. Chuck Hollis, VMware - Insiders’s Perspective


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